Refilling Stations in Brazil

LPG Stations in Brazil in

LPG Stations in

According to Law 8176 of 1991, the use of liquefied petroleum gas in automobiles in Brazil is a crime against economic order. This means that its use is against legal regulations, with a prison sentence of one to five years. However, since 2019 a project is underway in the Chamber of Deputies to repeal the limitation for the use of LPG in engines in general.

The author of the proposal claims that the ban arose in a context of curbing the consumption of petroleum derivatives. According to him, the cause was Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, which no longer makes sense today.

"After almost 30 years, the current scenario registers a substantial increase in domestic oil production and considerable independence from imported LPG," said MP Felício Laterça (PSL-RJ), presenting the proposal.

The bill has already been approved in the Mines and Energy Committee of the Federal Chamber. However, it has been pending approval in the Constitution and Justice Committee since November 2019.

According to an article in Folha de São Paulo in March 1998, which conducted the last survey we are aware of, 25 thousand vehicles in the municipality of Irecê (BA) were still using LPG as fuel, even after it was banned. This often happened because people made adaptations of the gas they had at home to what they needed in the car, with the intention of saving money.

As a result of situations like these, in 2017 the National Traffic Council (Contran) reiterated in Resolution No. 673 that LPG-Auto may only be used in lifting machinery. In case of disobedience, the driver can lose 5 points on his CNH, in addition to a fine of R$195.23, as the infraction is considered serious.

Map of LPG filling stations in Brazil

List of LPG stations in Brazil

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